Culvert Clearing

A concrete culvert runs just north of Candler Park, between the Candler Park Golf Course and the Stone Mountain Trail. Over the years this culvert had become blocked with downed trees and debris that had washed into the watershed over time.

An example of the blockages plaguing the culvert in Candler Park

One of the blockages in the Candler Park culvert

A team of neighborhood and CPC member volunteers worked with a local arborist to clear and drain the culvert. In total we removed 5 truckloads of organic matter (downed trees, sticks, etc) and more than 2 dozen bags worth of trash that had washed into the culvert over time.

In the end we were able to get the water moving again, to help maintain the health of the South Peachtree Creek ecosystem and to reduce flooding along the Stone Mountain Path.

A cleared section of the culvert with water flowing.

A view of the culvert after volunteers cleared it of blockages


Upper Pavilion Refresh